The Strongest Force In The World The U.S. Army is made up of the most dedicated, most respected Soldiers in the world. These Soldiers protect America’s freedoms while serving at home and abroad, and they are always prepared to defend the nation in times of need.A U.S. Army Soldier is the embodiment of physical and […]
Author Archive | drewtri
Bismark State College Proud Platinum Sponsor!
Bismarck State College, North Dakota’s Polytechnic Institution, where we offer opportunities for you to discover what’s next. I invite you to explore our website to learn about our mission and vision, our academic programs and our many events and activities.This is the place that transforms dreamers into doers. Where hands-on learning leads to higher-wage earning. Where deep […]

South Dakota Game, Fish, & Parks Department Registers As Platinum Sponsor!
The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks (GFP) is the U.S. State of South Dakota’s State Agency charged with the management of the state’s public recreational and outdoor resources. The GFP manages the 13 State Parks and 43 State Recreation Areas within the South Dakota State Parks System, totaling over 96,000 acres of […]

Aberdeen Convention & Visitors Bureau is Proud Platinum Sponsor!
On behalf of the City of Aberdeen and the Aberdeen Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, we look forward to hosting the SD High School Clay Target Championship. Aberdeen Hotels and Hospitality With so many wonderful attractions and outdoor activities for the whole family to enjoys, we hope you have an opportunity to experience all that […]

Keep Track of Tournament Standings in Real Time!
The Clay Target Leaderboard is the South Dakota State High School Clay Target League’s EXCLUSIVE tournament score-tracking system! You can keep track of your scores, tournament standings, and individual awards as scores are entered! Visit on your desktop computer or download the mobile apps now!